Useful hooks

Disabling synchronization for selected products

To disable synchronization for selected products, add the following to the functions.php file of your theme:

add_filter('ei_disable_sync_product_ids', 'my_ei_disable_sync_product_ids');
function my_ei_disable_sync_product_ids() {
    return array(111, 222, 333, 444);

Replace 111, 222, 333, 444 with the actual product IDs.

Allowing HTML and images in product descriptions

To disable description sanitization and include all images and HTML formatting from the source site, add the following to the functions.php file of your theme:

add_filter('cegg_description_sanitization', '__return_false');

Import domain as brand taxonomy

For the Rehub theme only, to import the domain as the "brand" taxonomy, add the following to your functions.php file:

add_filter('ie_import_brand', '__return_false');
add_filter('ie_import_store', '__return_true');

Custom parameters for scraping services

// Add country_code parameter to ScraperAPI requests
add_filter('ei_parse_url_scraperapi', 'my_ei_parse_url_scraperapi', 10, 1);
function my_ei_parse_url_scraperapi($url) {
    return add_query_arg('country_code', 'de', $url);

// Add country parameter to ScrapingDog requests
add_filter('ei_parse_url_scrapingdog', 'my_ei_parse_url_scrapingdog_country', 10, 1);
function my_ei_parse_url_scrapingdog_country($url) {
    return add_query_arg('country', 'de', $url);

// Add dynamic parameter to ScrapingDog requests
add_filter('ei_parse_url_scrapingdog', 'my_ei_parse_url_scrapingdog_dynamic', 10, 1);
function my_ei_parse_url_scrapingdog_dynamic($url) {
    return add_query_arg('dynamic', 'true', $url);

// Add premium parameter to ScrapingDog requests
add_filter('ei_parse_url_scrapingdog', 'my_ei_parse_url_scrapingdog_premium', 10, 1);
function my_ei_parse_url_scrapingdog_premium($url) {
    return add_query_arg('premium', 'yes', $url);

Last updated