Supported stores

External Importer allows you to import products from many (but not all) public eCommerce websites worldwide. We have developed a set of special parsers to extract product data from target HTML pages.

General requirements

External Importer retrieves data directly from store websites. Therefore, target websites must comply with the following requirements:

  • The website's content must load without JavaScript or Ajax.

  • The target website must not block bot access.

  • Your server IP must not be blocked on the target website.

Please note that you can still develop advanced parsers for dynamic websites that use JavaScript.

1. Advanced parsers

These parsers are designed for a fixed list of popular online stores around the world.

The biggest advantage of advanced parsers is their ability to extract complete product data, including:

  • Title

  • Image

  • Price

  • Currency

  • Availability

  • Description

  • Gallery images

  • Old price

  • Brand

  • Category path

  • Specifications

  • User reviews

These parsers usually also support:

  • Listing pages

  • Automatic pagination

The only disadvantage of this approach is that each store requires a unique parser to be developed.

2. Structured data parsers

These are generic parsers that can extract data from pages containing structured data and product schema. Supported markup formats include:


  • RDFa

  • Microdata

  • Open Graph

  • Twitter Card

  • and others…

You can use the Structured data testing tool to check if the page contains data markup.

The amount and volume of available data depend on the store. Typically, structured data parsers can extract less product information than advanced parsers.

3. Adaptive AI Parsers

We developed this level of parsers by training ChatGPT on more than 1,000 ready-made parsers to find a universal solution compatible with typical eCommerce sites and themes.

These parsers will be used if the source site does not have micro markup for products.

4. Affiliate Egg parsers

If you've installed our other plugin, Affiliate Egg Pro, you can use its parsers inside External Importer (including custom parsers).

5. Custom parsers

If none of the solutions work for your source or incomplete data is being extracted, we can create a custom parser specifically for your source. We offer this as a paid service.

Last updated

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